Monday, June 8, 2009

And now....summer!

I am officially out of school for the summer and thus assigned to night duty to make up for the time that Paul had to do it all last week. Not fun. She slept fairly well last night and only woke up twice for a feeding.

We've have experienced enough now to know what she needs and when. We know when she is just tired or has a dirty diaper. When she feels sick or when she is hungry. All of these things are quite important.

More to come on next year's opportunities! There will be other things besides band, however at this time, these opportunities remain discreet until final decisions have been made. Needless to say I'm excited about having a break from band for a while. I love my job, really I do, but Red Oak has a long way to go and I've been with it for 8 years with no feeling of "yea, this is a really good program!". Time to let someone else take over. Not that there weren't improvements; there were many. I mean, even three years ago I would never have been able to take my top group to UIL and play grade 3's and even make the II's that we made. Success was evident. But politics and priorities hold us back.

So now on to better things, just waiting to hear back from the Principal. Exciting times.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

We have our baby back!

Before you get all excited and think that we lost her...No. We were having some trouble with Emma being extremely fussy, not sleeping well and crying when we put her down. Not only was she waking every 3 hours like a newborn should, but we would be up 2-3 hours or more at a time because she couldn't go back to sleep. We called the doctor and they said she had colic. Not bad colic, but enough to warrant getting some gas medicine. We have been giving it to her since yesterday around 4pm and it is making her feel better. We both got up with Miss Emma once; 45 minutes for me and 30 minutes for Paul. She did so much better and we feel so much more rested. She seems happier too which is wonderful.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Going back to work....and I hope I don't change my mind.

There is only one more week of school and it is probably the easiest week to be at work in the world! I figure I will save a few extra days for next year in case Emma gets sick or what not. I have to get my doctor's office to get back to me with a note to go back to work early and I haven't heard from them yet. Have tomorrow to get it done. I'm really nervous about it even though Paul will be home with her and I will be free here and there to go home for a bit if I need to. Ain't no thing, just don't know what to expect.

Oh...I may have to band direct again next year. Not what I had in mind but there is only one position open in my district for special education and if I don't get it I'm right back in it. I'll just have to learn to cut back a bit on all of the extra stuff and do the bare minimum to get the job done. Pray that all works out. I'm not stressed yet, so maybe things are in the works.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009 mobile blog works. Want to take a moment to mention how interesting of a situation I find myself in at the moment. I'm waiting in the car where Paul is doing his first job interview and find that I have a small stomach ache. Fearing the worst, I buckle Emma in and take off for some convenience store. When I arrive I sit wodering what to do with the child. Giving up on the situation, I return to where Paul is and hoping the stomach ache doesn't go full throttle in a moment's notice, I'm waiting not so patiently for him to return.

Any suggestions on what to do in a situation such as this are more than welcome!

Just a test to make sure our mobile blog works. Cool if it does!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Free childcare is super!

Our good friend Lynae came over last night with her posse to stay with Emma while we were out at a Praise Team party. What a super opportunity to have a RN stay with our daughter for free. Although she was totally stoked about taking care of her (she's a baby junkie!), we were happy to have her. We even came home to a clean kitchen when we knew that they had fixed dinner there.

I think next time she'll charge us, but hey, it's worth it.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Thought she'd never go to sleep

Maybe we're in transition from sleeping all the time to being awake more? Emma fought sleep for almost 2 hours. During which we had one feeding and three dirty diapers. I kept thinking she was sick or something but finally she went to sleep.